Founder’s Message

The field of Data Analytics is one that is never constant. Everyday, trends in the corporate world are altered by new emerging technologies and the dynamic nature of the business environment. Hence, being on the front lines has really kept me on my toes. It is always thrilling to see a small change of today, become the revolution of tomorrow. 

 As a result, my passion to interact with various sets of seemingly unintelligible data and extract meaning from them, has led me to view the modern world of today with the same zeal. Technology has dramatically changed the learning and working setup across the globe. For some this change can be intimidating, but change should never be feared. In this ever changing world, ironically, change is the only constant. Today, you can be the catalyst of change by embracing change with all its risks, for the reward will only be greater. 

Every ticking second brings with it new opportunities for professional and personal growth. Gone are the days where geographical borders were a factor to learning and training. In this global village of today we are able to learn without borders and are able to benefit from fulfilling work opportunities regardless of geographical mobility. Thus, each second fuels my hunger to keep learning and upskill myself. I have completed, and continue to enroll myself into many online courses from reputed international MOOC and online learning platforms such as EDX, COURSERA, UDEMY, DATACAMP, etc.

Therefore, it goes without saying, I am a devout follower of the philosophy that learning starts in the cradle, and only ends in the grave. It is with this belief lining my heart and teaching principles, that I have founded the concept of Infinity Learning. 

“Keep Learning” is the motto of Infinity Learning, because that is what we humans should do to sustain in our journey from the cradle to the grave. 


Prof. Awesh Bhornya